Friday, November 1, 2013

Stop A Puppy From Tugging Clothes From The Line

Laundry in the wind is enticing to a puppy.

Laundry blowing in the wind is very inviting to a puppy. Dogs have an instinct to chase, and movement of any kind can trigger this instinct. Teaching a puppy to stop pulling clothes off the line is a challenging task that requires preparation, time and patience. Some breeds may be easier to train than others, but most puppies should be able to learn to co-exist with the clothesline in the backyard.


1. A crate with a chew toy is a safe place for the puppy.

Relocate your puppy out of sight of your preparations.

2. Create hanging "hiding places" for the balloons you'll use in Steps 3 and 4, using old towels, old clothes or old sheets. Hang the old towels on the line in the normal fashion and hang a second set in line with the first set from the same clothespins. Hang old sheets in a sling-like fashion. Hang old clothes with pant legs in which balloons will fit.

3. Use the pump to blow up the balloons.

Blow up approximately 15 to 20 balloons using the air pump. The more balloons you use the better the effect will be.

4. Hang the balloons close together for more pop per inch.

Attach the balloons to the hanging laundry with clothespins. Hang the balloons between the towels, near the bottom. Attach balloons inside the pant legs or on the inside of any shirts. Fill the "sling" of the old sheets with balloons.

Keep the balloons out of sight. The idea is for the dog to go after the laundry without noticing the balloons and then be frightened when the balloons pop.

5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 daily until your dog learns to leave the clothing alone.

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