There are several ways to protect your couch from dogs.
Dogs can be tough on couches. They shed hair, leave muddy paw prints and in some cases chew furniture. A combination of protection for the couch and training your dog to leave furniture alone is usually enough to avoid most problems. But even then, however, you may not want your dog to have unsupervised access to a room with particularly valuable or old furniture in it.
1. Cover your couch with throws, blankets or sheets. They are easily laundered, absorb dog odor and protect fabric from hair and paw prints. Attractive throws add to your d cor.
2. Purchase two sets of machine-washable, fitted couch covers. Simply replace one with the other each time you need to launder them.
3. Trim your dog's nails regularly to reduce damage to furniture.
4. Provide your dog with plenty of chewable toys and train it not to chew furniture. Chewing behavior is common in puppies and may indicate boredom in older dogs. Training and providing the animal with sufficient exercise, company and stimulation helps. If necessary, take your dog to an obedience class or consult a pet psychologist.
5. Provide a dog bed so your dog has its own place to sleep. You may wish to train your dog to stay off furniture altogether, which requires a consistent approach. Use a clicker and food rewards to train your dog to stay off the couch and lie in its bed instead.
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