If you plan to serve alcohol in Springfield, Massachusetts you need to get a liquor license.
In order to serve alcohol at a place of business in Springfield, Massachusetts, the business must obtain a liquor license that proves they are allowed to serve alcohol under state and town laws. A liquor license must come from the Springfield, Massachusetts License Commission and the business needs to keep up-to-date with all laws regarding serving liquor. The type of liquor license that you will need depends on the type of business you have and the way you plan to participate in the alcohol industry.
1. Check to see if you qualify to apply for a liquor license. Qualified candidates must be United States citizens and you must be over the age of 21. Bring proof of your qualifications when you go to apply for a liquor license (see Resource 1).
2. Notify neighbors that you plan to file an application for an alcoholic beverage permit. This action is a necessary part of getting a liquor license,according to the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) Application Process for Retail Licenses (see Resource 1, Section 1).
3. Apply for a liquor license at the Springfield, Massachusetts License Commission (location of License Commission found at Reference 1). Look at the list of license types and prices to decide which licenses your business will need. A business that serves only wine will need a different license then a business that serves hard spirits and mixed drinks. A business that plans to sell alcohol retail instead of serving alcohol on premise will also need a different type of license (see Reference 4). The application must first pass at the local level and then the application needs to get approved by the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission.
4. Pay for the license fee when you apply for a license. Fees vary depending on the type of license that you need for your business and depending on the rates set by the State of Massachusetts and the town of Springfield for that year (see Reference 4).
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