Friday, April 5, 2013

Discipline A Dog

Raise a balanced pit bull with the correct use of discipline.

Raise your pit bull to be a balanced and obedient dog by implementing rules, boundaries and limitations. Include discipline as a necessary part of training your pit bull, while using methods that are not abusive to the dog. Do this to communicate that as the pack leader, you do not agree with the pit bull's behavior. Show your pit bull that you are its pack leader, to encourage it to listen to and respect you. recommends that you give your pit bull proper leadership to prevent the dog from becoming willful, dominant and aggressive.


1. Set the rules and boundaries for your pit bull. Be consistent with the training by showing the dog that you will not tolerate certain behaviors. Be prepared to implement discipline if your pit bull jumps up on furniture, pulls on the leash, growls or attempts to intimidate people or other dogs, as these are the behaviors of a dominant pit bull that sees itself as the leader of its family or pack.

2. Catch the pit bull when it is practicing the bad behavior in order to discipline it effectively. In the case of aggressive behavior, it is vital that you prevent a situation from escalating by addressing the first signals of aggression. Be alert for the pit bull's growling, or its ears going forward, its head and tail held high, a stiffened body or staring with dilated pupils. Be alert and correct this behavior in the company of other dogs, as the pit bull has a reputation for being dog aggressive, according to Avoid scolding your pit bull if you do not catch it in the act. For example, if the dog leaves its waste in an inappropriate place, unless you see the behavior, the pit bull will not understand the connection between the act and the discipline.

3. Act in a calm and assertive when you are disciplining your pit bull. Take a confident stance with your back straight and your head held high. Place your hands on your hips, if this helps you to feel more empowered.

4. Say "No," in a firm voice when your pit bull exhibits an unwanted behavior.

5. Tap the pit bull quickly and firmly on the shoulder with your fingertips, if it does not stop the behavior when you give the verbal warning. Alternatively, if your pit bull is misbehaving when on the leash, give a quick sideways tug on the leash.

6. Give your pit bull direction to show it how you do want it to behave in this situation. When the pit bull successfully follows your commands, reward with verbal praise.

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