Monday, April 15, 2013

Buy Play Yard Ground Material

There are two kinds of play yard ground material: fill and rubber. Before you buy either kind, you'll need to do some math.


1. Measure your play area.

2. Figure out whether you are buying rubber mats or using fill (sand, wood mulch or pea gravel).

3. Multiply the width of the play area by the length to get the area you must cover.

4. If you choose to use rubber mats, ask how big each mat is at the hardware store or an online playground equipment store.

5. Note that edge pieces will be straight on one side. Corners will be straight on two sides. Interior mats will have joints on all four sides.

6. Ask the salesperson to include enough edge pieces and interior pieces to completely cover the area if you are buying mats that fit together like a puzzle.

7. Get the pieces delivered, if possible - they're heavy.

8. If you choose to use fill, measure the length and width of the play area and then the depth of the covering - between 6 and 12 inches. Multiply the three numbers to find the volume in cubic feet.

9. Order that amount of fill. Again, try to get it delivered.

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