Friday, April 12, 2013

Pros From The Vicious Breed Law

This rottweiler is considered a vicious breed and is banned or heavily regulated in many areas.

Vicious dog laws are commonly referred to as breed specific legislation. Eleven states have laws of this type in their constitutions. Cities and towns within the other 39 states have their own local laws regulating vicious breeds. One of the pros of this legislation arose out of a need to regulate certain dog breeds commonly raised to be ferocious and violent. When the breeds publicly demonstrate this behavior, governments must act to ensure public safety. Historically, the vicious breed laws are proposed in areas where such dogs have maimed or even killed a person.

Recognized Types

The mastiff is referred to as "massive" by the American Kennel Club.

The Cleveland City Council drafted legislation for a vicious dog policy, citing that the dog most commonly used in dogfights is the pit bull. The pit bull is recognized as a vicious breed and the subject of many breed specific laws. However, it isn't alone. The rottweiler, doberman and mastiff are also identified as vicious.

Owner Responsibility

The breeds deemed vicious are dangerous to everyone living nearby, when left to an irresponsible owner. These dogs are behind the most severe dog attack incidents in the areas that have adopted the breed specific legislation. As a result, the laws regulate vicious breed owners in areas that have recorded violent incidents of irresponsible dog ownership. An example is Ottumwa, Iowa (population 24,998 according to the 2000 U.S. Census). The town experienced 18 severe dog attacks perpetrated by pit bulls from 2001 to 2003, according to "The Gazette," an Iowa daily newspaper. The town enacted a ban on pit bulls, and later rottweilers, after a rash of attacks by dogs of those breeds.

Vicious Reputation

Pit bulls, rottweilers and others on the list are notorious for being dangerous dogs. Owners value them for toughness and protection. These owners typically pride themselves in having a mean dog, often boasting about the breed's violent tendency. In fact, the vicious breed known as the pit bull is the go-to dog breed for a dogfight participant. Despite the arguments made to the contrary, one must consider the reputations of the beagle, boxer or labrador breeds. Such dogs are not tapped for the fights while the pit bull is. Something must be said for the accuracy of reputation.

Public Fear

Governments are responsible for ensuring the safety of its citizens, especially in their own communities. An October 2010 national poll by Associated Press and revealed that only 37 percent of senior citizens feel safe around pit bulls. A 56 percent majority of all subjects polled believed that certain breeds should be banned. The poll found that some pet owners (28 percent) don't feel safe around vicious breeds. The majority of pollsters felt that dogs could be safe if properly trained. However, this leaves the safety of the community in the hands of the owners up to the owners once again. Governments creating the legislation, especially in towns like Ottumwa, have the responsibility to see that citizens feel safe.

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