Friday, April 12, 2013

Education Needs For Any Kennel Attendant

Kennel attendants provide basic daily care to dogs.

The work of a kennel attendant is rarely glamorous, but dog lovers may get great satisfaction from work that puts them in close daily contact with their furry friends. With a little training and plenty of dedication, nearly anyone can complete this job. Work as a kennel attendant can be found at many different facilities including shelters, groomers, veterinarians' offices and boarding facilities.


Kennel attendant jobs do not typically require any formal education. A high school diploma or GED may be required by some companies, but rarely is a college degree needed. Majors that would be relevant to this field of work include veterinary science, animal science and animal behavior. Schooling as a dog groomer may provide useful skills as well. Work as a kennel attendant could provide valuable experience for future kennel owners, veterinarians or professional dog groomers while they complete their schooling.


Experience is a more common requirement for kennel attendant jobs than formal education. Quality dog kennels may want to ensure that their employees have worked in similar atmospheres in the past. Many city pounds and animal shelters accept volunteers and work in this type of program would provide valuable experience for a paid job as a kennel attendant. Animal shelters typically provide training courses to prepare their volunteers for the job. This kind of free training is a valuable resource for aspiring kennel attendants.


Whether gleaned from college courses, high school classes, volunteer work or other experiences, a strong working knowledge of dogs is essential for a kennel attendant. Attendants are often required to monitor the animals' daily behavior to alert veterinarians or other caretakers to sudden changes. Some attendants may also be asked to administer mediation or perform basic first aid duties on the animals as well.


Kennel attendants must work well with dogs to complete their job. Attendants are responsible for the daily care of resident pets which includes feeding, watering, walking, playing, bathing and cleaning up after the animals. The ability to handle large animals and lift heavy objects is valuable as well. Attendants who have frequent contact with customers should be able to demonstrate a friendly demeanor and good customer service skills.

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