Thursday, April 25, 2013

React And How To Proceed In Case Your Dog Will get Hit With A Vehicle

This is something that no loving pet parent would ever want to happen to their dog. However, should you find your self in this situation (God forbid) here are the steps that you should take in order to respond quickly and ensure the best recovery possible.


1. Call your dogs veterinarian immediately. Try to tell them in a calm manner exactly what happened: how the dog was hit and how the dog is responding now. The vet will be able to tell you what you could do in the mean time as you prepare to take the dog to the nearest animal emergency. The vet may ask questions about vital signs and particular movements that the pet is making. Be prepared to answer these types of questions. Usually pets who have been hit by a car have fractures, scrapes and abrasions, but there may also be more serious things going on like internal bleeding or trauma. That is why after speaking with the vet it is important to follow the next step.

2. Carefully place your dog in the car with you and go to the nearest veterinarian or animal hospital. It is best to have someone with you who can hold the animal or keep it as still and calm as possible while you are driving. Also, be prepared to have money available for the cost of examining your dog, surgery, X-rays, antibiotics, applying a splint/cast, an over night stay, or any other care that may be needed for your dog.

3. This may be the toughest part. You may have to leave your dog in the care of the veterinarians and you may not be able to see or know what is happening. This can especially be nerve wrecking when you hear an occasional and loud yelp, but don't worry, the pet may simply be afraid of all the strangers around it while it is hurt, or be in pain from the accident. This is also another great reason for bringing someone along with you who you can talk with while your pet is being treated.

4. Depending on the injury of your dog the vet will give you specific instructions on what needs to be done to ensure a good healing process and full recovery. Your pet may also be prescribed certain medications while they are healing such as pain killers (for dogs of course) and antibiotics. Follow the instructions for these medications carefully.

5. The vet may recommend that the animal have much rest and as little movement as possible, especially in the case of broken bones because too much movement could cause the fractured bones not to reconnect properly in the healing process. Have a comfortable area set up for the dog when it comes back from the emergency. You can either choose to put the dog in a kennel, or simply in an area where you will be able to spend plenty of time with it. Stay with your pet as much as possible. It is good to spend a lot of time with your dog while it is healing. By showing it love and affection it lets your dog know that it has your support and you will be there while they are going through this difficult and painful time. They need to know that they are not in it alone.

6. Your dog won't be able to do some things by it self anymore such as walking it self outside to go to the bathroom or walking to go eat it's food or drink water. You will need to aid them in these things. You can either chose to be a special leash made for dogs who can not walk on their injured leg and hold up the front of their bodies or back legs (depending on which legs are injured) while it used the bathroom, or you can pick the pet up your self and hold it up, but this requires a lot of bending over. As with food, just make sure that it is close enough to their resting area where they can stretch their neck enough to reach it, or you can feed them by hand.

7. It may take a few months or more for your dog to continue healing. During this time make sure to take your pet to any scheduled checkups or appointments the vet may schedule for your pet. These check ups will monitor the healing of your pet and make sure that they are recovering well.

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