Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Be A United States

Americans come in all shapes, colors and beliefs. America is called the melting pot where everyone is welcome, and they all get a chance to participate in the American way. People have been coming to America to make their fortune for centuries, and you can be an American too.


1. Vote. One of the best freedoms that Americans have is that they are able to vote. You vote for the people you want in office and you vote for the laws of the land. When you exercise this right, you are acting like an American.

2. Understand the history of America. It is vital to know where we came from to be a real American. You can only be an American when you know all that went into why there is an America.

3. Know the constitution and the bill of rights. Be aware of the laws that govern America and study the laws of the other countries. Know the differences and be ready to defend America in whatever way is necessary.

4. Fight for America. Americans stand together through thick and thin. It is something like a marriage. You may not necessarily believe everything that your partner says, and you may even disagree with him, but in the end you support and if necessary fight for him.

5. Be an American by supporting the laws that you find are right and fight the laws that you believe are unfair. Lobby against the things you most despise, but in the end, support what is finally decided and defend it. Just because you don't believe something is right, if the majority have spoken, rally behind them and be an American.

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