Monday, April 29, 2013

Feed Labrador Retriever Young puppies

Lab puppies love to eat.

Labrador retriever puppies live for playing, having fun and eating. Eating is a very important aspect of their lives because it assists with training and also provides the nourishment they need to help them grow into healthy adults. Choosing the appropriate dog food is essential, as well as feeding the puppy the right amount. With so many factors involved, feeding your Labrador retriever puppy might be more complicated than you think.


1. Choose the right puppy food. Labrador retriever puppies are extremely active and require healthy food to keep up with their caloric and nutritional requirements. If you are not sure which food you want to feed your pup, consult with its veterinarian or breeder for their opinions. However, you can make an educated decision yourself. Look for premium brands---which are only sold at pet stores---that have quality ingredients, such as beef, chicken and the like. Choose an organic or all-natural diet that is free of artificial colors and ingredients, as well as preservatives, if possible. Some premium brands develop food that is specially formulated just for labs. In addition, feeding your lab a diet that is made for large breed dogs can help prevent some orthopedic problems.

2. Wean the puppy off of the food it is already on if you decide to switch diets. This process should be done slowly, as an abrupt change can cause diarrhea. Start with giving 25 percent of the new food, mixed with 75 percent of the old for about a week. Then, switch to half and half. If the pup tolerates this for another week, give it 75 percent of the new food and 25 percent of the old food for about a week. Then, give it 90 percent of the new food and 10 percent of the old. If it does well after a few days, give it 100 percent of the new food.

3. Feed your lab three times a day until it is about 16 weeks old. Follow the directions on the bag as to how much food you should feed the pup; however, most female labs eat about three or four cups a day, whereas males eat between three-and-a-half and five cups daily. When the Labrador retriever is about 16 to 24 weeks old, start feeding it two meals a day. Labrador retriever puppies love food and tend to gulp it down too fast. Doing so can result in gastrointestinal issues. To prevent tummy upset, place tennis balls in the food, which can slow the puppy down as it has to work around the balls to obtain its chow. You can also place a smaller bowl in the food bowl upside down and pour the food around it.

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