Monday, April 29, 2013

Take Proper Care Of Small Dogs

A little dog can bring a lot of joy.

Tiny dogs do require a bit of special care due to their size. Small dogs are good matches for apartment dwellers because they require very little space. These dogs are also excellent choices for elderly people and people with disabilities, because small dogs don't generally require the same amount of exercise as larger breeds.


1. Keep your tiny dog inside as much as possible. Smaller breeds of dogs are not tolerant of extreme temperatures.

2. Watch where you are walking. Tiny dogs have a way of getting under your feet and can be easily stepped on or tripped over.

3. Inspect your fence. Tiny dogs only need a tiny hole to escape. Go over your fence carefully to ensure there are no open places where your dog can get out.

4. Provide steps or ramps from high places. If you choose to allow your tiny dog to have access to furniture, provide him with a way to get down from high places like beds and couches. Your dog may be brave enough to make the leap from such heights, but this can eventually have a negative affect on the dogs joints.

5. Watch children closely. Tiny dogs are fragile, and children tend to play rough. Keep an eye on children when they play with your dog.

6. Shovel the snow. Owners of tiny dogs need to shovel a path in the snow to make going out into the yard much less intimidating for small dog breeds.

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