Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Side Effects Of The Kennel Grooming Business Alongside Residential Property

The location of your home has a lot to do with the value of it when selling as well as the enjoyment of your property while you are living there. When you live next to a kennel grooming business, it could negatively affect your home and your living situation in a few ways.


One of the negative effects of living next to a dog kennel grooming business is the noise factor. When you live near a dog kennel, you may hear a lot of barking. If you have ever heard how annoying it can be when your neighbor's dog starts barking in the middle of the night, imagine how disturbing it could be when 10 or 15 dogs start barking all at the same time at an inopportune moment.

Increased Traffic

Another potential detractor that comes with living next to a kennel is increased traffic. Although kennels may not necessarily be high-traffic businesses, they will require some traffic on a daily basis. If you have small children or pets of your own, you may not want a lot of traffic driving near your house throughout the day. Many people in residential situations do not like the idea of being close to business traffic on a regular basis.


Depending on they type of kennel business, you may also have concerns about safety. For example, if the kennel allows the dogs to go outside into the backyard to get some air, you may have to be concerned with the animals getting out. Dogs have been known to dig under fences or jump over them, and if you are dealing with a large, dangerous breed, you may not the comfortable leaving your children outside to play.

Property Value

Besides the factors that will negatively affect you while you are living there, having a dog kennel next door could also hurt when reselling the property. Buyers may not want to live next to a dog kennel and that could keep them from making offers on your property. If someone does make an offer, it may be for lower than what your house would sell for in another location.

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