Thursday, April 11, 2013

House Break A Dog

Pit bull owners recognize the loyalty, friendliness and obediece of the breed.

The American pit bull terrier is an intelligent breed and loves to please its family. However, when your pit bull uses your floors as a potty, it can be upsetting. Your pit bull's age, past living arrangements or habits and emotions all factor into how easy or difficult potty-training is. Regardless of your pit bull's potty habits, harsh discipline can be emotionally damaging and counterproductive to such a sensitive breed. Consistent positive reinforcements and constant supervision are key to successful potty training, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).


1. Feed your dog on a regular schedule so you have a better idea of when it will have a bowel movement. Avoid changing the brand of food it eats to avoid loose bowels.

2. Take your leashed pit bull to its designated potty location frequently. Repeat the command "go potty" and praise lavishly when your pit bull goes. Since pit bulls are such high-energy dogs, a walk is a wonderful reward for going potty.

3. Tether your pit bull with a 6-foot lead when you are not actively playing or working with it. Keep your pit bull close and watch for signals that it needs to go potty. Restlessness, circling and sniffing around are some signs to watch for, according to the Humane Society.

4. Clap your hands to interrupt your pit bull when you catch it in the act of going potty inside. Quickly head to the designated potty spot outside. Do not get angry or punish your pit bull because it may become afraid to go potty in front of you, instead use plenty of praise when it finishes going potty outside.

5. Clean up your pit bull's potty accidents thoroughly. Dogs are likely to continue going potty in areas that smell of urine or feces, according to the Humane Society.

6. Confine your pit bull to a small room when you have to leave it alone and unsupervised. However, avoid keeping your pit bull isolated from the family unless you have no other choice. If you must use newspapers occasionally, take the soiled papers outside and discard them in the designated potty spot.

7. Keep a zip-lock baggie of treats in your pocket for rewarding.

Confine your dog in a crate at night, at least until it is completely potty trained. Do not use a dog crate for more than eight hours at a stretch. Take your pit bull immediately outside in the morning.

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