Friday, October 4, 2013

Discipline A Bullybreed Dog

Disciplining your dog is necessary for your dog to stay safe. Bully breed dogs, such as pit bulls, generally have a bad reputation because of owners who disciplined their dog ineffectively. A well-disciplined dog can show the public that bully-breed dogs can be good dogs.


1. Establish your dominance. You can do this by making your dog wait to eat until you give it permission. Bathing your bully breed, trimming its nails and teaching it basic commands will also help you to show your dog that you are the "alpha dog", or its boss.

2. Address the negative behavior when it is happening. For example, trying to discipline a dog for using the bathroom in the house three hours after the accident will be ineffective.

3. Use a stern but steady voice when you are correcting your bully breed's negative behavior. Your voice should startle to the dog to make it stop the behavior. Clapping your hands may work better than your voice if you are soft spoken.

4. Offer your dog an alternative to the negative behavior. For example, if your dog is chewing on your furniture, offer it a chew toy when you see it chewing on the furniture.

5. Put your dog in time out. Placing your dog in a crate can be effective if the negative behavior is being aggravated because the dog is tired or over-stimulated.

6. Give the dog positive rewards, such as kind words and a pat on the head or a rub on the back, when he is behaving properly. Being aggressive with a bully-breed dog can cause the dog to become aggressive. Remember, the dog is a product of its environment. Violence toward your bully breed will cause it to accept violence as an acceptable behavior.

7. Keep in mind that a well disciplined bully breed dog isn't afraid of its owner. It respects its owner.

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