Thursday, October 24, 2013

Know If My Dog'S Fullblooded

Black spots are found on full-blooded Dalmatians.

Dogs are popular pets and make great companions whether they're "full-blooded" or mutts. If your dog is full-blooded, its parents and grandparents are of the same breed. Every breed has certain natural behaviors and qualities, so knowing whether your dog is purebred can give you some insight into why it behaves as it does. Sometimes, however, you may have no other reason than curiosity for determining whether your dog is full-blooded.


1. Contact your dog's breeder (if it came from one) to determine if its mother and father are full-blooded. You can ask for pictures and documentation of your dog's lineage, which includes its parents, grandparents, and so forth. Most breeders register their dogs and puppies with purebred dog clubs such as the American Kennel Club. If your dog is registered, it's full-blooded.

2. Ask your veterinarian, dog groomer or local breed enthusiast for an opinion on your dog. Each is knowledgeable about full-blooded and mixed breeds, so may be able to offer insight on your dog's lineage.

3. Review the list of recognized breeds contained in the Resources section of this article. Each breed's entry includes a picture and a description of the physical appearance and personality that all dogs of that breed must have. If your dog looks and behaves like one specific breed, it's likely your dog is full-blooded.

4. Have your dog's DNA tested for its breed makeup using the DNA testing kit. You'll take a mouth swab of your dog's saliva and mail it to the company performing the DNA test. This test will indicate which breed or breeds your dog's DNA contains. If your dog's results include only one breed, it's probably full-blooded.

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