Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Install Dog Runs

Install Dog Runs

If you live in a home that does not have a fenced in yard, you may be looking for alternative ways to allow your dog to roam freely. Dog kennels will keep your dog safe and secure, but also force him to be confined in a relatively small are. Chaining your dog to a tree or post is never a good idea, as it severely limits his boundaries can result in a tangled mess. A dog run, in which your dog is attached to a line via his leash and is able to run back and forth along that line, is a safe, inexpensive alternative that provides your dog with freedom and safety, while giving you peace of mind.


1. Locate two trees in your yard that can be used as points to install the dog run. If you do not have two trees that will work, you will need to purchase and install two posts to serve as points for the run, or if you have one tree, you can purchase one post. Determine where you would like to install the posts, if necessary.

2. Locate an area for the dog run that will not allow your dog to become tangled on backyard structures or in items in your backyard (playhouses, swing sets, garbage pails). Plan on installing the dog run way form these objects.

3. Visit any major pet discount store and purchase a dog run trolley kit. Alternately, you may visit any major home improvement store and purchase the parts necessary to construct your own dog run trolley system.

4. Install the posts, if necessary. Dig a 2 foot hole in the designated spot with a shovel or post hole digger. Add some rocks to the hole.

5. Place the post into the hole. The post should reach 5 to 7 feet after being placed into the ground and needs to measure several inches in diameter to prevent it from breaking against the weight of the dog.

6. Add some concrete mix, pouring it evenly around the post. Add 1/2 gallon of water and stir with a stick until mixed well. Repeat process until hole is full, following concrete mix package instructions.

7. Add dirt from the hole onto the concrete. Add rocks to the bottom of the post to secure it while the concrete dries. Allow to sit for 24 hours.

8. Follow the package instructions for installing the dog run. If you are constructing the run yourself with materials purchased at a home improvement center find installation plans at the store where you purchased your items, at the library, at pet stores or online.

9. The kit will come with stoppers that you can place along the trolley line to prevent your dog from advancing past that point. Place stoppers wherever you want to prevent the dog from going, if necessary. For example, if the line is attached to a tree near the garage but you do not want the dog going all the way to the garage, place a stopper 4 feet from the garage. This will prevent him from advancing beyond that 4 foot mark.

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