Thursday, October 24, 2013

How Come My Dog Nibble Together With His Front Teeth

Nibbling behavior in dogs is common. There are several reasons that a dog nibbles: age, boredom, comfort and affection. Dogs also nibble as a grooming behavior and is natural.


Most dogs like chewing on toys, mostly soft ones. Rotate different types of toys to keep the dog amused and interested.


Young dogs sometimes have problems distinguishing between good behavior and unacceptable behavior. Be clear that nibbling is not a good behavior.


Nibbling on socks, blankets and clothes may be comforting. Toys, soft and plush are a good substitute. Train the dog to know that toys are good and everything else is off limits.


For some dogs, this is grooming behavior and normal. Dogs will share grooming behaviors with members of their pack.


For some dogs, nibbling is a demonstration of affection. If the behavior is not annoying or troublesome to you, then enjoy your dog's affection.

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