Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Grow Earthworms To Make Money In New York Condition

Earthworms provide both bait and fertilizer.

Worms can be a low-maintenance, helpful addition to your household, and provide entertainment for both kids and adults. Build a worm box to get rid of kitchen waste and produce compost and fertilizer for your garden and houseplants. Turn the box to profit by selling the worms to bait shops and nurseries. The warm, humid climate of North Carolina makes growing worms easy and convenient.


1. Purchase a 20- to 30-gallon plastic or wood bin to use as your worm farm. Drill several holes in both the side and lid of the bin, to give your worms good air circulation as they grow. Drill holes in any part of the bin.

2. Combine equal parts shredded newspaper and garden soil to fill your bin. Mix the two with your hands to provide a good foundation for the worms. The newspaper will retain moisture, while the garden soil gives the worms grit to eat. Water the bedding with enough water to make it moist but not muddy or soaked. Worms do not appreciate muddy soil.

3. Purchase 1 to 2 lbs. of red worms from a garden shop, pet store or bait shop. Spread the worms across the top of the bedding. They will burrow in on their own.

4. Feed the worms with vegetable-based kitchen scraps at least once a week. Bury the scraps in the bedding for the worms. They will eat it themselves and do not require any further help.

5. Keep worms in temperatures of 50 to 80 degrees F. In North Carolina, keep them outdoors in summer in a shaded, well-protected area. If you're going to keep them outdoors, keep the lid on so that they don't fall prey to birds. Water the worms at least weekly to maintain good soil moisture.

6. Change worm bedding every two to three months. At that time, harvest large worms to sell. Replace smaller worms to continue growing, and consider supplementing your worm population with a new purchase at the pet or bait shop. Use old worm bedding as garden compost or fertilizer.

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