Friday, October 25, 2013

Train Dogs Having A Shake Can

Shake can

Training a dog can be a real headache if she just doesn’t want to listen. One thing that readily gets most dogs attention is the shake can. A shake can is simply a tin can filled with noisy things that you shake whenever your dog begins to do something wrong. Highly effective and easy to make, you can train dogs with a shake can in a few easy steps.


1. Prepare a can. Soda cans work best, but you can use any type of tin or aluminum can as long as you have a way to seal the top. Empty it out and wash out any residue with warm, soapy water. Rinse well. Prop upside down at an angle to allow it to fully dry.

2. Fill the can. Gather a handful of pennies, other coins, small rocks or other noisy shakable objects and place them in the can.

3. Seal the can to keep in the shaker. Use duct tape to cover the opening in the soda can. Get a round piece of wood, cardboard or sheet metal to secure cans with very large openings, then secure the edges with duct tape.

4. Shake the can whenever your dog is misbehaving or about to misbehave. When she starts to bark incessantly, shake the can. When she starts to run off into the street, shake the can. When she’s opening her mouth to take a chunk out of your favorite couch, shake the can.

5. Enhance the can’s effectiveness. Hold the can away from your body and shake vigorously. Accompany the shaking with a stern admonishment of "No!”

6. Praise the dog for listening. When she hears the can and the word "no," your dog should stop whatever she is doing or about to do. Praise her excessively for stopping the behavior. With enough reinforcement, she will learn to stop unacceptable behavior just be seeing the can or hearing the word “no.” Praise her for her obedience at those times as well.

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