Monday, October 28, 2013

Create A Backpack For Any Large Dog

Hiking with a dog can be a satisfying and rewarding experience but dogs seem to require an exorbitant amount of accessories. The prospect of carrying a water bowl, extra water, kibble, clean-up bags and even toys can seem daunting. Lessen your load and still tote along all of your dog's necessities by creating a backpack for him to carry his own supplies. Commercially available backpacks are available but finding them in sizes for larger dogs can be near impossible. A homemade alternative is unique, durable and custom-fit to your dog's exact measurements.


1. Measure your dog around the widest part of his body. Measure from his collar to the tip of his tail. Also measure the span of the front of his chest. Record these measurements for later use.

2. Divide the measurement of the widest part of your dog's body by two. This measurement is the ideal width of your backpack.

3. Cut four rectangular pieces of heavy fabric, such as cotton duck, canvas or denim. The pieces should be half the width of the calculated figure in step 2. They should be about as long as your dog's measurement from her collar to the base of her tail.

4. Place two of the fabric rectangles together. If the fabric is patterned, place the fabric with the patterned sides of the fabric facing each other.

5. Sew each edge of the rectangle. When you reach the fourth side, leave approximately one inch of fabric unsewn.

6. Turn your fabric right-side out by reaching in through the one inch of unsewn fabric and pulling the pouch you have created inside out. Sew the one inch of fabric closed so that no raw edges are visible.

7. Repeat the sewing process for the other two rectangles of fabric.

8. Cut a slit into the center of each pouch of fabric. Sew the zipper in place, making sure to take the time to secure raw edges to prevent fraying.

9. Refer to the measurement around the widest part of your dog. Subtract approximately five to eight inches from this measurement. Cut a piece of heavyweight fabric as wide as this measurement and as long as your dog's measurement from his collar to the base of his tail.

10. Pin the edges of this rectangle under so that any raw edges are not visible on one side.

11. Pin the pieces of webbing at points on the rectangle so that they correspond to the position on the dog's body at about mid-chest. Place the rectangle on the dog and mark the spots with tailor's chalk, if need be.

12. Sew the edges of the fabric rectangle. While sewing, secure the webbing. Stitch over the webbing several times to ensure strength and durability.

13. Attach two more pieces of webbing to one of the short sides of the fabric rectangle. This webbing should correspond to the measurement of the span of the front of the dog's chest.

14. Sew the two zippered pouches onto the rectangle of fabric.

15. Try the backpack on your dog. Attach the buckles to the webbing and make any needed adjustments to their size.

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