Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What's The Salary Range For Any Animal Breeder

Dog breeders are responsible for the dogs they bring into the world.

Dog breeders use their knowledge of dog breeds to improve their dogs with every litter. Every dog is unique, but breeders recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each litter, and mate their dogs to breed out the weaknesses. Dog breeders devote their time to studying their selected breeds to learn about genetic problems, personalities, looks and types.

Yearly Earnings

The average annual salary of animal breeders, as of May 2010, was $35,620, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. The BLS also states that the lowest 10 percent earned $18,330 and the highest 10 percent earned $57,400. Those in the 25th percentile earned $23,520 per year while those in the 50th and 75th percentiles earned $31,340 and $43,590, respectively.

State Averages

The average salary of animal breeders in the state of California was $40,990 as of May 2010, according to the BLS. The BLS also reports that breeders in Modesto, California, earned well above the state average, making $47,490 per year. Texas breeders earned $34,350, Oklahoma breeders earned $27,540 and breeders in Pennsylvania earned $41,860 on average. The BLS also reports that only 1,380 considered animal breeding to be their profession.

Breed Standard

The breed standard is what the American Kennel Club has deemed the guide by which your dog breed is judged. Each breed has its own standard written by the national club that represents it. By researching the standard, you will discover everything your club expects of the premier dogs in the breed including ideal eye and fur coloring, height, weight, and temperament. The clubs offer the breed standard books along with educational videos tailored to each dog breed.


The breeder of a puppy is responsible for that puppy's life. It is your responsibility to ask the right questions, and perform house visits when interviewing individuals and families interested in purchasing your dogs. This ensures that your puppies are going to responsible owners, but the job of the breeder does not stop with selling and transferring ownership of the dog. The best breeders ask owners to keep them updated on first veterinary visits, first teeth and any events the dog participates in and wins. You will also be responsible if there are any problems with owning the dog. If a family is experiencing a separation or a divorce and no one can care for the dog, or if the dog falls ill, the family should be able to call you for advice and guidance.

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