Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Place Respiratory system Problems In Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers and other small breed dogs occasionally have respiratory problems. The two main respiratory ailments in small breed dogs are reverse sneezing and tracheal collapse. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between the two conditions as they have similar symptoms. Here are some ways to spot respiratory problems in Yorkshire Terriers.


Recognize Tracheal Collapse

1. Distinguish between tracheal collapse and reverse sneezing in your small dog. Both conditions present similar symptoms. One condition, tracheal collapse is much more serious than the other.

2. Realize the trachea is the windpipe and tracheal collapse is the narrowing of the inner diameter of the windpipe. This can be common in middle-aged dogs of smaller breeds like the Yorkshire Terrier.

3. Look for symptoms of tracheal collapse. These include a coughing, especially a cough that sounds like a goose honking, hacking, loud breathing, gagging, wheezing and the inability of the dog to exercise. These respiratory symptoms are more severe in Yorkshire Terriers that are obese.

4. Be alert to more dangerous symptoms of tracheal collapse. Sometimes, the gums and the skin may become a bluish color due to lack of oxygen. This is a dangerous condition. Also, fainting may occur from oxygen depletion while some dogs show no symptoms of the condition.

5. Treat tracheal collapse. This includes protecting your dog from obvious triggers like cigarette smoke, extremes of humidity, heat and cold temperatures and by using a harness instead of a collar around the neck. Also, reduce the dog's food intake if he is overweight. All these precautions help reduce coughing and chronic airway injury with this respiratory problem.

6. Understand that emergency surgery may be needed in severe cases. Consult your vet for any unusual symptoms you see in your dog.

Recognize Reverse Sneezing

7. Understand that reverse sneezing in small breed dogs may be disconcerting, but it is a common condition that usually doesn't need any treatment.

8. Realize that the symptoms of reverse sneezing and collapsing trachea are similar. The dog may make sounds similar to the honking sound heard in a collapsing trachea, but it is caused by an irritation that causes a spasm of the soft palate and throat.

9. Be aware that the dog will extend his neck and the chest will expand as he tries harder to inhale air into his lungs, but it is not an emergency condition.

10. Know what causes reverse sneezing. Things that cause this respiratory problem are anything that irritates the throat like excitement, eating or drinking, exercise, pulling on a leash, pollen, something caught in the throat, allergies and post-nasal drip.

11. Stop the reverse sneezing. This includes taking the dog outside if he is bothered by any indoor fumes, massaging the dog's throat to help stop the spasm or covering the nostrils to make the dog swallow to clear the passage. Use of a harness instead of a collar also helps stop reverse sneezing.

12. Realize that this respiratory problem is not serious and some dogs have these episodes all their lives. Don't worry about leaving your dog alone. An episode of reverse sneezing usually ends on its own and no treatment is necessary.

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