Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Get Papers On The Dog That's Fullblooded

Register your purebred dog with the AKC.

If you've recently acquired a purebred puppy, you may want to register the dog with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Registration with the AKC is particularly useful if you ever plan to enter your dog in dog shows, as AKC papers serve as verification of the dog's purebred status. To register your dog with the AKC, you will first need information from the breeder about the dog's parents. You will also need to fill out an application form and pay a registration fee.


1. Name your dog. The AKC has strict rules regarding the names of registered dogs; they may not contain more than 50 characters and any name over 36 characters will incur an extra $10 fee. A name also may not contain words such as "male," "female," "bitch," "dam," "stud," or "champion." A full list of the words that are not allowed in a dog's name is available on the AKC website (see Resources).

2. Ask your dog's breeder for an AKC Dog Registration Application if one was not provided to you at the time you took the dog home. If you obtained your dog from a reputable breeder, that person will have already registered your dog's litter with the AKC and will be happy to provide you with an application to register the dog individually.

3. Check to be sure that the breeder has filled out the litter owner's section of the Dog Registration Application. This should include information on the dog's parents as well as the dog's markings, color and sex.

4. Complete the new owner's section on the application. You will need to provide personal information about yourself, the dog's name and whether you would like a full or limited registration. Full registration is ideal for a dog that you plan to breed or show in a dog show. Limited registration is for dogs that will be kept only as pets and is less expensive than full registration.

5. Mail your application to the address on the form or submit the application online via the AKC's website. You will need to include the applicable registration fee at the time that you submit your form; the amount of this fee will vary depending on what type of registration you've chosen.

6. Wait to receive your AKC Registration Certificate in the mail once your application has been processed and approved.

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