Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kennel Train A Puppy At Six Days

Kennel or crate training a young puppy provides the dog with its natural habitat, which is a den. A den is an area that a dog instinctively keeps clean. Unless absolutely necessary, dogs do not eliminate in their den, choosing instead to leave that area to eat or relieve themselves. The man-made den, or crate, is also a means of keeping a puppy safe when it cannot be supervised or needs a place to sleep. A crate used in an appropriate manner is an essential tool for every new puppy.


1. Purchase a crate made out of hard plastic that is just slightly larger than the puppy. While the puppy should be able to stand up and turn around easily, the small size is essential in the early weeks.

2. Fill a hot water bottle with warm water and wrap it in the fleece blanket that smells like the puppy's siblings or dam. Place the wrapped hot water bottle along the inside of the crate wall. The warmth and smell will comfort the puppy in its new surroundings.

3. Make sure the puppy has fully eliminated and gently place it in the crate on top of the the crate pad and against the wrapped hot water bottle.

4. Place the toy inside the crate near the puppy and close the crate door for five to ten minutes. Stay with the puppy during this time and try to remain as quiet as you can.

5. At the end of the short time period, take the puppy out of the crate and give it a chance to eliminate. Praise the puppy if it eliminates. Put the puppy back inside the crate.

6. Repeat this exercise several times during each day with the 6-week-old puppy. Never leave the puppy in the crate for more than one hour at a time. At this point, always stay with the puppy. Only leave if the puppy falls asleep in the crate.

7. Once the puppy is quiet when inside the crate, you can begin to leave it crated for up to two hours at a time. Make sure the puppy always eliminates just prior to being crated and once again immediately upon leaving the crate.

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