The Silky Terrier is a small, doe-eyed dog with a big heart. They are highly intelligent and alert and are curious about everything in the world around them. They have a shiny, single coat which is generally 5 to 6 inches in length. They need a full grooming every 4 to 6 weeks and a general grooming at least twice per week.
1. Use slicker brushes, pin brushes and metal combs to groom the long, silky coat. Although the hair should be grown long, don't allow it to reach the floor. This can lead to dirt and other matter getting caught in it. Although these dogs have only a single coat, it does get tangled and matted quite easily. Make sure you keep it thoroughly brushed.
2. Bathe regularly but don't dry out the skin. When bathing, don't scrub very much, as this can destroy the silky texture of the coat. Let the shampoo soak into the coat naturally. This way, it can absorb dirt and grime on its own. Rinse it out well.
3. Fluff dry the coat, but don't try to add any volume to it while doing this. The coat should always lie flat and lanky on the dog's body.
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