Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dog Pen Ideas

Pens can keep dogs out of trouble

Dog pens are an ideal way to keep your dog confined to one area while still allowing him to enjoy the outdoors. A typical pen needs only a few essentials and can be easy to build yourself. Any pen should reflect the type of dog you have. If he's active, he may need a larger pen to move around in and release energy, but smaller inactive dogs will require less space. Some dogs are escape artists---be sure the fencing is tall enough and either slightly buried or staked into the ground.

The Essentials

Every dog pen needs to have a place for the dog to get out of the elements, whether it be shade from the sun or cover from the rain. A roomy dog house is one way to get both, and it provides a place where your dog can stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Similar results can be achieved by building the pen around a tree that provides shade or covering the top of one portion of the pen.

Access to fresh clean water can be accomplished by frequently refilling a stainless steel dish or by installing an automatic water system. The pen needs to be large enough to fit your dog's needs and activity level with a designated area for potty breaks that is easy to clean and far away from where she rests, eats and drinks.


The available space you have may determines the location, but, depending on where you decide to put the dog pen, you can get creative with your planning ideas. The pen should be close to the house so that you can monitor your dog while you are at home. A pen can even be inside the house or garage if you have limited land available.

You know your dog well---keep in mind the things he likes to do when you are building a pen. If he likes to run, find a long narrow location; if he likes to lay out in the sun, find a place that will let him do that; if he loves to dig, find a place where the ground is hard so he won't dig his way out.

Also when picking a location, consider your neighbors. Dogs bark, some more than others, and if you have a talkative dog, your neighbors don't want to listen to him all day. Pick a location far from neighbors' sight and far from influences that may cause your dog to bark, such as the street or near other animal pens.


A dog pen doesn't have to be a chain link fence on a cement pad. Use fencing materials that fit with the style of your home such as wooden fence slats or a line of tall, thick shrubs or vines. The same goes with the dog house: paint it the same colors as your house. Regardless of what materials you use, make sure there are no sharp edges, wires, nails or unfinished portions that your dog can injure herself on. Anticipate that your dog will chew on things; choose paints and finishes that are nontoxic.

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