Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Be A Pomeranian Breeder

Breeding Pomeranians is easy for dog lovers.

Becoming a dog breeder is easier than it may seem. To begin breeding Pomeranians all you really need is female that isn't neutered. Most states don't require small breeding operations to obtain a license. The most essential component of becoming a breeder is learning about the breed of dog you'd like to work with.

Educate Yourself

Individuals interested in becoming Pomeranian breeders must know a lot about Pomerians and about dog breeding in general. There is a wide array of reading and other learning materials available. The American Kennel Club is a good place to begin looking for learning materials. The American Kennel Club's "The Complete Dog Book" and its "Dog Care and Training" are valuable sources of information. Breeders must also carefully comply with state laws regarding breeding. Research the laws in your state before you start breeding.

Join a Club

The American Kennel Club operates a parent club for each breed of dog it recognizes, including Pomeranians. Local clubs operate under the authority of the parent club. Visit the American Kennel Club's website and see if there's a Pomeranian club located near you. Joining a club is another way to learn about Pomeranians. You'll also be able to network with other dog breeders and possibly meet a dog owner who's interested in breeding her dog with yours.

Attend Dog Shows

Attending dog shows is a great way to see how top pedigrees behave and how they are judged. This provides perspective on train your Pomeranian. Entering your Pomeranian into events could also be beneficial. Showing the dog at recognized events provides credibility for future customers. Even if your Pomeranian doesn't win a major championship, several wins will make exhibitors take you more seriously. Attending dog shows is another great way to learn about Pomeranians and to network with other breeders.

Take Care of Your Dog

Perhaps this seems obvious, but breeding desirable puppies starts with taking immaculate care of their mother and father. Unhealthy parents will result in unhealthy puppies. Take your Pomeranian to the vet frequently. They need to be screened for genetic problems and have prebreeding health tests performed. Your Pomeranian must have its nutritional needs met and it must be exercised frequently. Develop a strong relationship with your veterinarian and keep your dog healthy.

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