Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Conquer Your Anxiety About Dog Fear

Conquer Your Fear of Dog Phobia

There is a high number of people who are terrified of dogs either because they have had bad experiences or it has been taught to them. I will help you overcome your fears and conquer this phobia.


1. What a lot of people do not realize is that majority of dog phobia is taught to kids by their parents or someone who is always around them. Example: You see a child with his mother and a big dog starts to bark and the mother starts to freak out. What she does not realize is that her energy is being transferred to her child. What is her child going to do when he sees his mother freaking out over this dog? He will repeat his mother! That is what I mean about dog phobia is being taught to children. Now as that child gets older, he will relate his bad experience as a child with every dog he sees now. I know that their is that occasional dog biting, and it is hard not to be scared of dogs, but you can do it with patience and some strong nerve.

2. Always approach a dog without looking at him or paying any attention to him. If the dog is barking at you or approaches you, keep doing what you are doing and pay NO ATTENTION to this dog. That barking dog will start to realize that you mean no harm to him and his barking does not intimidate you. If you show your fear, he will sense your weakness and do whatever is in his power to make you feel scared. Dogs like this are usually terrified of you and are barking at you to cover up their insecurities.

3. Dogs can sense your fear. If you are scared of a dog, on some cases that dog will be somewhat timid of you. The best way to get over your fear is to find somebody that you know who has a really friendly dog. I mean real sensitive and submissive dog and just take it for a walk. Just have your friend put on the leash for you and just walk over there and pick up the leash with a high level of confidence and take the dog outside and just walk him. When you have that leash in your hand that is the first step into overcoming your fear. Be real confident and be in command and just go walking. If the dog is well trained, then it will follow you and come to realize that you are his pack leader.

4. Also, try carrying a couple of treats with you and make the dog sit and listen to you so you can feel some sort of dominance over this creature. That helps people out a lot when they get comfortable walking the dog.

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