Thursday, March 14, 2013

Area Occasions For Hunting Dogs

Hunting dogs wear brightly colored field vests for safety.

Field events for hunting dogs are competitive activities that showcase and test a dog's hunting skills. In field trials, dogs compete against each other. In hunt tests, the judges measure each dog's performance against a standard, not against the performances of other dogs. The American Kennel Club sponsors field events for hunting dogs that let spaniels, hounds, retrievers and pointers perform the hunting work that comes naturally to them. Other hunting and dog organizations also host field competitions that focus on hunting skills.

FIeld Trials

Modern AKC field trials are open to hounds, spaniels, retrievers and pointing breeds. Field trials and the tasks involved in each trial are breed-specific. For a basset hound, for example, the specific tasks include trailing a rabbit with speed and accuracy. Field trials test hounds for a variety of skills, including searching and pursuing ability, accuracy in trailing, proper use of voice, endurance, cooperation and intelligence. AKC small pack competitions involve seven dogs tracking the rabbit as a team. Brace competition tests dogs in pairs. In large pack trials, all of the dogs in a particular class are set free to track the rabbit.

Hunt Tests

Hunt tests judge each dog's performance against an established standard. The AKC awards the titles of Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter, and Master Hunter for performance in hunt tests. These tests are also specific to the breed or group. Retrievers, for example, prove their ability to find and retrieve birds in an environment that mimics hunting conditions. For a retriever, a typical hunt test is a one-day event divided into a land series and a water series. In each series, judges evaluate dogs for their natural retrieving desire, memory, marking ability and obedience to their handlers' commands. Handlers fire a shotgun loaded with blanks called poppers. Bird throwers hide so the dogs can't see them. To obtain a title, a dog must pass through the junior test four times, the senior test five times, and the master test six times.

Tracking Competition

The AKC also sponsors tracking competitions that test a dog's ability to follow a scent path using only its nose. Dogs follow the scent of a human, called a tracklayer, a distance of 440 yards to 1,000 yards. At the end of the trail, dogs locate a glove or wallet that belongs to the tracklayer. In one advanced test, the Tracking Dog Excellent, dogs follow a trail that is three to five hours old. In another test, the Variable Tracking Surface, dogs follow an old track in wet weather over different surfaces such as vegetation, concrete and sand.

Finding Events

Clubs hold AKC field events for hunting dogs. Local winners advance to regional and national competition. The AKC lists club events on its website. In addition to the AKC and other dog organizations, many gun and hunting clubs offer information about field events. Your hunting dog's breeder is another resource for finding field events in your area.

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