Millions of wooden crates are shipped every day to different corners of the globe.
Shipping is a huge business, and none of those products are going anywhere without first being packaged correctly into shipping crates. As goods are imported and exported nationally and internationally everyday, there is always a demand for shipping crates, which means opening your own crate manufacturing business can provide a sustainable, lucrative future, as long as you can get your foot in the door.
1. Contact local real estate agents that deal with business property. Find a property that is correctly zoned for the crate manufacturing business. If the property is not correctly zoned, you will have to have this organized before you apply for your appropriate operating licenses. Your warehouse needs to be spacious enough to house your equipment, configured in such a way that best streamlines the manufacturing process. You will also need additional space to store your finished shipping crates before they are shipped to your buyers.
2. Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS' website. This application process is free of charge. Navigate to your state's government website. On this page you need to apply for a State Tax Stamp and a business license. These applications may incur small fees. Contact your local fire marshall and have him inspect your warehouse to ensure proper emergency exit routes are defined.
3. Arrange your equipment in your warehouse in a way that best streamlines your shipping crate production process. A measuring area should be placed near a loading bay so that wood can be inspected, measured and marked immediately after it has been delivered. The table saw should be adjacent to the measuring area, where the wood is cut into pieces. An assembly area where you nail your pieces of wood into shipping crates should come between the table saw and storage areas, and the storage area should be placed near a loading bay.
4. Seek companies who need shipping crates and secure supply contracts with them by undercutting your competitors and/or providing a better service. As you collect clients, you will also need to begin hiring workers who can take care of the manufacturing process so you can focus on business expansion.
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