Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Train A Cattle Herding Dog

Cattle herding dogs make wonderful companions on the farm. A well-trained cattle herding dog with a daily schedule and working activities can also make a great family pet. Cattle herding dogs are bred to work, and if they don't have active employment can become a nuisance to neighbors. Herding breeds need to keep their minds active and stimulated in order to avoid behavior problems.


1. Learn the basic commands for herding breeds. These can be used for training whether or not you are training with stock.

2. Teach your dog basic obedience skills like sit, stay and come. This is especially important in the presence of livestock.

3. Work on balance with your dog in the presence of the herd. Balance refers to proper position of the dog in relation to the stock to prevent them from escaping. This is usually done with the dog, handler and stock in a straight line. Balance is reached when the stock do not move.

4. Practice "Come bye" which means the dog always goes clockwise no matter where the handler is in relation to the stock. This can be done with an object if practiced without stock.

5. Train dog to "Away to me," which means the dog always goes counter clockwise no matter where the handler is in relation to the stock.

6. Get your dog to learn that you are the alpha dog or lead dog. Dogs are pack animals and their instincts tell them to follow the pack leader at all times.

7. Maximize your dog's herding instincts by offering him opportunities to use his skills. This can be done through competitions or classes that train on specific skills like leading stock through a pre-designed course.

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