Thursday, March 14, 2013

Feeding Pitbull Young puppies

Pitbull puppies are much like other large breed dogs when it comes to feeding. They require lots of balanced nutrition in order to grow and thrive. Because these dogs are both large and extremely active, they require more calories to maintain good health, but feeding them too much, too often may cause your pittbull puppy to grow too quickly and develop health problems. The best way to feed a pitbull puppy is to mimic what other large breed dog owners do.

When to Feed

Consider how many times you will feed your puppy in a day. Don't give your pitbull puppy free access to food, as it makes him difficult to housebreak. Pitbull puppies also have a tendency to eat too much, causing growth spurts and obesity later on. Most often, pitbull owners find that three times a day is an adequate feeding schedule for their puppies.

What to Feed

The next question is what to feed him. A good quality dry dog food created especially for large breed puppies is the recommended staple. Puppy food formulations differ from brand to brand and formulation to formulation, and not all dog foods are created equal. Choose your puppy's food with care, and remember that sometimes skimping on price when it comes to dog food could mean skimping on quality. It is better to spend a few extra dollars and know that his nutritional requirements are being met, than to save a few dollars and find out later that your dog has developed a metabolic problem due to poor nutrition.

There is no benefit to feeding your pitbull wet food over dry unless she is extremely young or has a condition that warrants a higher protein concentration. Most dogs prefer wet food, but eating wet food can lead to an early build up of plaque on the teeth, overeating and obesity. For regular feedings, stick with dry dog food and give small amounts of canned food as a treat.

What to Avoid

Supplementation with vitamins, minerals or growth hormones is not required, nor is it recommended. If you are feeding your pitbull puppy a high quality dog food, he won't need supplements. Supplements will only cause him to grow larger and bulk up faster than he should, which can cause problems in his musculoskeletal system.

Table scraps are off limits for pitbull puppies. Dogs are not designed to process high fat, high carbohydrate diets, and eating these foods can cause health related conditions such as pancreatitis, obesity and diabetes.

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