Thursday, March 7, 2013

Be A Marine Mammal Trainer

If you want to work with dolphins, whales, seals, sea lions and walruses in a controlled environment, becoming a marine mammal trainer may be for you. Marine mammal trainers educate the public, work with the animals, help ensure their health and put on shows for the public. If you want to become a marine mammal trainer, there are some things to keep in mind.


1. Be prepared to go to school. While some places will accept marine mammal trainers with only a high school education, most want trainers with at least a two year degree. Many prefer their trainers have a B.A or B.S in biology, psychology or animal behavior. There are some schools such as Moorpark College's Exotic Animal Training and Management Program who offer two-year degrees specifically designed for marine mammal trainers.

2. Get a job in a place with animals, preferably large mammals. Before becoming a marine mammal trainer, you'll need experience working with and cleaning up after animals. Get a job or volunteer at a zoo or aquarium if possible.

3. Expect a physical job. Marine mammal trainers don't work in cubicles or in front of computers. Mammal trainers work outdoors in all weather and must be physically strong enough to carry equipment.

4. Become comfortable with public speaking. Marine mammal trainers are also educators and put on shows. If you're not comfortable getting up in front of a group, you won't make a great marine mammal trainer.

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