Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quail Hunting & Eliminating Dogs

There are several dog breeds that excel at flushing quail.

Quail is a popular quarry for many hunters. One of the most important aspects of hunting quail is getting a good flushing dog to help with the hunt. There are several dog breeds that can be trained to become good flushing bird dogs, and others are naturally inclined.

Types of Hunting Dogs

Good quail-hunting dogs are often categorized into three types, or styles: pointers, flushers and retrievers. A good bird dog doesn't necessarily do just one of these things, but many dog species have a predisposition to hunting in one of those three styles. Most quail hunters prefer flushing dogs because of their willingness to get into rough terrain to force the birds to fly.

Flushing Dogs

Flushing dogs are especially popular with quail and pheasant hunters who want hunting dogs who can point to a location and then aggressively chase the birds out. When hunters don't have to move forward to flush the birds themselves, they can hold their guns in aiming position in the air above the dog and simply wait for the birds to flush out.

Popular Breeds

There are several popular breeds of quail-hunting dogs. According to the website for the conservation organization Pheasants Forever, some good breeds include the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Gordon Setter, Irish Red & White Setter and Labrador Retriever. These breeds have been bred over decades and centuries to be good hunting dogs, and are naturally inclined to stalk and capture prey. Some of the best flushing breeds are: Boykin Spaniels, English Cocker Spaniels, and English Springer Spaniels. These breeds are known for their intelligence and ability to learn, the two most important traits for any dog that must work in tandem with the hunter.


Even the best quail-hunting and flushing dog breeds require training to get the most out of their natural abilities. There are training courses, training manuals and even entire schools and kennels dedicated to training these dogs. One of the most important aspects of training good quail dogs is starting training at a young age.


Hunting dogs are typically carefully bred. A dog that is known as a competition winner will definitely be in high demand with serious hunters, and the puppies from her litter could be worth quite a bit of money. Combining good breeding with good training is the best way to create superior bird dogs.

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