Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Build A Simple Dog House

A doghouse gives your dog a comfortable space outdoors.

Figuring out the best living space for your dog can be a challenge. Keeping him inside is not always the best option, but you do not want him to get uncomfortable in temperature extremes outside. Building a dog house is a project that helps keep your dog comfortable in the outdoors and, with the right plans, it is easy.


1. Figure out the size that works best for your dog. You want the doghouse to be small enough that her body heat can heat it in the winter, but large enough that she can walk all the way into it, turn around and lie down without bumping into anything or hanging out of the door. If you're in doubt, many dogs, large and small, are comfortable in a house about 4 feet long and 3 feet wide.

2. Create the base. Measure, use a pencil to mark, and saw two 2x6s at 4 feet long and two 32 inches long. Lay out the two long 2x6s parallel to each other. Lay out the other 2x6s so they run from one length board to the other: One goes at each end. Set all of the 2x6s on the 2-inch side and nail the length boards into the ends of the width boards with a hammer. Lay a 4 foot by 3 foot sheet of plywood over the base and nail it onto the 2x6s. If you want to insulate the floor, glue hard foam exterior insulation to the underside of the base with construction adhesive.

3. Build the side wall frames. Saw four 2x4s 1 foot, 10 inches long. Saw two more four foot 2x4s . Lay a long 2x4 horizontally and place a shorter 2x4 at each end. Set all of the boards on the 2 inch side and nail the long board into one end of each height board. Repeat with the other 2x4s. The longer boards are the upper supports.

4. Attach the side walls to the base. Cut two 2x4s 3 feet long. Turn a sidewall frame so the length board is on the bottom on the 4 inch side and the sides are up in the air. Set a width board on the inside joint of each end of the sidewall frame on the 2 inch side so the ends are flush with the side of the frame. Nail them together. Repeat this with the other sidewall on the other ends of the width boards. Turn the assembled walls over and set them on top of the base. Nail the height boards into the corners of the base on a diagonal.

5. Connect the sides. Hold a sheet of plywood over each sidewall and nail it to the height boards, the upper support and the base.

6. Cut 2 sheets of plywood into the shape of the end-walls. The bottom of the end-walls is 3 feet. Measure from the bottom up 2 feet at a 90 degree angle on both sides of the end-wall and mark it with a pencil. Find the exact center of the bottom and measure up 2 feet 9 inches and mark it. Use a straight edge to draw the sloped line from the center mark to the edge marks and cut along that line. Cut a doorway in one end wall at the center of the bottom of the wall with a reciprocating saw. It should be at least 1 foot 6 inches wide and 2 feet tall.

7. Build the rafters. Cut four 2x4s at 1 foot, 2 2/3 inches and use a miter saw to cut a 45 degree angle on one side of both ends on all of them. Lay two of the boards with angled ends matched, making a 90 degree angle. Nail an L-shaped bracket into the 4 inch side. Repeat this process with the other two 2x4s and L-shaped bracket. Set both sides of the roof frame onto the corners of the doghouse and nail them down. Cut one more 2x4 four feet long, hold it with the two inch side down and nail the upper corners of the rafters with the L-shaped brackets into each end of it.

8. Attach the roof and end-walls. Lay a 4 ft by 1 ft 2 2/3 inch plywood sheet over one side of the roof frame and nail the corners of the sheet into the rafters. Repeat this on the other side of the roof frame. Hold the plywood end-walls up to the ends of the doghouse and nail them into the vertical supports and the roof supports. Do not try to nail them into the cross support at each end, because it is two inches away from the end of the doghouse.

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