Monday, January 14, 2013

Jobs In Canine Training

Dog trainers can work for private clients in their homes.

To work as a professional dog trainer you must possess a dog training certification from a recognized organization, such as the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. Having your certification opens up career opportunities in the dog training field as it signifies that you have the skills and knowledge necessary for handling small and large breeds. Employers or private clients may want to see that you are certified in your line of work before hiring you, since attempting to handle a dog without proper training can become a liability issue.

Pet Stores

Many pet stores offer dog training classes inside of their facilities. For a set fee, dog owners can bring their dogs to the course and learn some basic training commands, such as teach their dogs to sit, walk by their side and stay. With a pet training certification you may want to consider working for a pet store as a dog trainer. In this type of position you will get to meet a rotation of dogs and have hands-on experience in helping owners train their pets.

Pet Training Academies

Pet training academies are schools that are specifically for pet training. They usually have indoor and outdoor areas for owners to bring their dogs and learn a wide variety of commands, from basic puppy training to more advanced obedience training for adult dogs. Becoming a pet trainer for an academy requires you to be certified, but it may also require past real-life working experience. Keep in mind that every dog training school you come across will have its own philosophy about train dogs. Some schools use a click-and-reward system that involves treats, while other schools use a choke-collar technique to keep a dog in line. If you have a personal preference, find out what style of training a school uses before you apply there.

Private Clients

Many dog owners do not have the time to take their dogs to the pet store or school for training, or do not want their dogs socializing with other dogs. You can advertise as a private dog trainer in the newspaper or on the Web, and go to clients homes for private training sessions. Find out how much the average dog trainer charges for private training sessions and set your price at a reasonable rate. Ask some pet stores around your area if they will allow you to post an ad on their resource board in the store.


Service dogs, therapy dogs, guard dogs and police dogs have to go through special training courses that are rigorous and different than basic obedience training. Some pet owners send their dogs off to special camps where they go through extensive work to become certified. If you do not possess a special certification in service dog or therapy dog training, do not fret. Many training schools are willing to put trainers through their in-house certification training process.

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