Friday, January 18, 2013

Be A Tour Operator Around Australia

In 2008, more than five million tourists visited Australia. From the outback regions and "Red Centre" desert and the beaches of Western Australia and Tasmania to the cultural activities of Sydney, Australia has something to discover for everyone. Australian travel agents must be bright, enthusiastic and knowledgeable to make travel arrangements and vacation plans for both their fellow country-men and international visitors alike.


1. Stay in school if your goal is to become a travel agent in Australia. Minimum requirements for college courses in tourism is the successful completion of Year 11, including English and math courses, in the Australian education system. Year 11 is roughly equivalent to a junior in high school in the United States.

2. Enroll in tourism classes offered at a college accredited by the Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA). AFTA has a list of colleges that offer certificate programs in areas of tourism throughout Australia on its website (see Resources). Although you are not required to go to a college that specializes in tourism courses, it is one way to ensure you'll gain an extensive training in the area.

3. Choose "external studies" if you already have a college degree or need to fulfill continuing education requirements. AFTA's external studies program offers individual courses in areas such as customer service, international ticketing for air travel and Australian destinations and attractions. If you are not sure you want to become a travel agent, you can get a taste of the life through one of these classes.

4. Choose the certificate you would like to earn. The certificate to become a qualified travel agent in Australia is called Certificate III and is available in the areas of tourism office operations, international travel sales, retail travel sales (domestic), tour operations and wholesaling, and visitor information services.

5. Devote adequate time for your studies to fulfill your goal to be a travel agent. Earning a certificate from an AFTA college takes about five and a half months as a full-time student and almost a full year if you go to school part time.

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