Friday, January 18, 2013

Control Fire Bugs Inside A Yard With Fundamental Pest Management Techniques

Fire ant stings itch intensely, and they're also associated with pain, swelling, and pus-filled pustules at the site of the fire ant bite. Even worse, an allergic reaction to a fire ant sting can be deadly, which makes everyday activities in the yard or garden potentially dangerous. You don't need to spend lots of money to hire a pest control company to kill fire ants in your yard; you can get rid of fire ants on your own, if you know go about the process properly and use the proper ant control products. Keep reading to learn kill and control fire ants in your yard quickly and affordably with home pest control measures.


1. Make homemade flags that will be used to identify the fire ant nests by folding a 4-5 inch piece of blue painter's tape around the end of a long wooden skewer.

2. Put on a pair of slacks, tucked into galoshes that are taped around the legs at the top of the rubber boots. This is vital for preventing fire ant stings when performing yard pest control in the case of a severe fire ant problem.

3. Walk back and forth across the yard in a systematic manner, looking for anthills with fire ants. This must be done no sooner than 48 hours after a rain storm, as rain will wash away the ant hill, making it virtually impossible to identify a fire ant nest.

4. When a fire ant nest is located, stick a wooden skewer "flag" into the soil to mark the location of the fire ant anthill.

5. Control fire ant colonies by using commercial ant bait granules or powder, placed at the site of each identified fire ant nest. These pest control granules will be brought to the queen ant and distributed throughout the nest, ultimately destroying the fire ant colony. This is a more long term pest control solution for fire ants.

6. Apply a fire ant killer spray around the flagged anthills and spray areas of the yard that are frequented by humans and pets (i.e. around the kids' swing set, in the dog pen, etc.) This provides a more immediate pest control solution for fire ants, as the spray will work within minutes.

7. Leave the flags in place and monitor the fire ant hills for several days after applying the pest control granules or powder. In some cases it may be necessary to re-treat the area.

8. Walk the yard to monitor for new fire ant colonies every few weeks or if fire ant stings occur in the yard.

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