Thursday, July 4, 2013

Training An 8 Week Puppy To Become A Guard Dog

Training an 8 Week Puppy to Be a Guard Dog

Best Guard Dogs

Of the 68 million dogs in American homes (See Resources), most of them are expected do some type of guard duty as family pets. A well-trained guard dog should be protective, yet not scare off friendly visitors. Usually, people think of large breeds when they consider guard dogs. A good guard dog doesn't have to be a large commanding breed. In fact even small dogs can be good watchdogs, although they're not as protective. However, a guard dog does have to be a breed that's more prone to guard than other breeds. A few of the best guard dogs include breeds such as the German shepherd, American Pit Bull Terrier, Doberman Pincher and the American Bulldog.

Obedience and Socialization Training

The first step in training an eight-week old puppy to be a guard dog is to teach basic obedience, such as sit, stay, heel, come and down. You as the owner should be the only one to give commands and reward with treats. This is important so he won't take orders from strangers when he becomes a guard dog. Eight-week-old puppies are old enough to enroll in puppy schools where they can not only learn obedience basics but also socialize with other dogs and people. In fact if a puppy isn't socialized during the first three months of life, he is more likely to be afraid of other dogs and people.

Relating to Strangers

Begin teaching your dog to bark and then come to you when strangers or vehicles approach your house. With each time your puppy barks and comes to you, alerting you there's an unfamiliar person or vehicle on the premises, promptly reward him with a small treat or chew toy. If the visitor is not a stranger, firmly yet calmly say, "No," until your dog stops barking. Clickers are helpful tools in training, coming with instructions on train your dog to guard your home, in addition to other skills.

Protection Techniques

A well-trained security dog can rescue someone in danger or respond to an owner when commanded to do so. One method for teaching a puppy about protection is tucking a hand into an old jacket sleeve, and then telling him to tug and then "get it." Teach when it's appropriate to attack clothing and not the flesh of humans and when to "drop it." Also, be sure to show which areas are acceptable for biting, such as jacket sleeves or pant legs.

Professional Training

Besides reading books and watching videos on dog guard training, solicit professional help. For example, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers can help you find a local dog trainer who specializes in guard dog training. Also, take advantage of dog obedience shows such as Animal Planet's "It's Me or the Dog" or National Geographic Channel's program "The Dog Whisperer" featuring world-acclaimed dog trainer Cesar Millan.

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