Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Design A Contemporary Fence

Modern fence

Modern design favors a simplicity of line, a streamlining of detail and a strong design aesthetic. To achieve a modern design with a fence, it is important to apply strong lines and angles in quality materials in a way that is naturally pleasing to the eye. A modern fence should have a bit of a wow factor. This can be achieved by using standard materials in unusual ways or by using unique materials in ways that are unexpected, yet beautiful. Many of the elements of modern design are also centered on producing a zen-like sensibility by reducing visual clutter.


1. Make photocopies of the plot plan and house photographs. Reduce or enlarge the plot plan so that it fits on an 11x17-inch paper. If you have acres of land then include only the areas adjacent to the house that will be fenced. Enlarge the house photographs so that the details on the house are easily visible. Use the scale marked on the plot plan to calculate the new scale for the photocopy sizes. This will assist you when determining post placement and materials calculations.

2. Check with the local planning department and any homeowners associations for fence restrictions or guidelines that may affect your design. Locate any utility easements that may interfere with fence construction.

3. Draw on the plot plan the anticipated location of the new fence, being mindful of marking any easements. Be sure to check the existing landscape and note the addition of new trees or shrubs or outbuildings that may not be marked on the plan. Adjust the fence layout to address these types of issues. Once the functional parameters of the new fence are determined it is time to incorporate the modern design features.

4. Examine the photocopies of the house to identify strong linear elements of the home design that should be featured or incorporated into the fence design. These may include features like brushed metal trims, concrete construction, glass block, woven wood elements, rusted exposed metal and any pattern designed into the house exterior that repeats or is a signature. Using this information, decide what materials will best match or complement the house design and which features should be brought into the fence design.

5. Trace over the front elevation of the house incorporating a section of the anticipated fence that includes the design features that are being used. This will offer an opportunity to test out several style options to see which one provides the finished appearance that works the best. You may end up with a dozen sketches before arriving at the best option.

6. Plot the location of the new fence on a fresh photocopy of the plot plan. Try to be as accurate as possible and keep in mind that posts are typically 8 feet apart. You may need to transfer your fence layout to graph paper if your locality requires a formal plan. Be sure to keep your fence at least 1 foot inside your property line on your drawing and within the easement requirements so that your finished plan will allow you to acquire a building permit.

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