Thursday, July 4, 2013

Consume Food With Starts

Some of the most delectable food contains pits. That pesky stone presents a host of tricky choices for diners. They must decide transfer the food to the mouth and eat it without breaking a tooth. They must also decide remove the pit and where to put it. A few simple guidelines will minimize the uncertainty and maximize the enjoyment.


1. Analyze the food. Determine if it is uncooked, served alone or part of another recipe. The answer will determine the appropriate etiquette.

2. Use fingers to pick up olives and fruit that are uncooked and not part of another recipe. The olives are often served as appetizers or a garnish. The fruit often appears as finger food on buffet tables or is served as desert.

3. Hold large sized olives and fruit at the mouth with the fingertips. Eat around the pit in one or two bites so that the pit remains in the fingertips. Fresh apricots, plums and kumquats are commonly eaten in this manner.

4. Place small olives and small fruits like cherries completely in the mouth. Chew gently around the pit. Remove the pit with the fingers and thumb. This practice is considered good etiquette.

5. Get rid of the pit. Cup the free hand. Transfer the pit from the fingers to the palm of the cupped hand. Place the pit on a small plate or in a paper napkin.

6. Pick up olives with a fork when they are part of a salad, pasta dish or some other food recipe. Chew gently around the pit. Use the fork to remove the pit and place it on the side of the plate.

7. Remove pits in stewed fruit with a spoon before eating. Use the spoon to extract any stray pit that makes it into the mouth and place it on the side of the plate.

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