Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why Dogs Have Dry Heaves & A Cough

Dogs dry heave and cough for various reasons, some more serious than others. Persistent dry heaving and coughing should always be taken seriously. A dry heaving dog is a dramatic sight whether it occurs once or several times. Pet owners who know what a dry heave is and are familiar with its basic causes will act quickly and calmly to ease their pet's distress.


When a dog vomits, its body usually clenches and relaxes several times before regurgitation. The movement is strong and rhythmic. The dog's system coordinates to violently expel offensive material. It makes a deep, loud gulping sound as it does so. This is perfectly normal and healthy. It is also normal for a dog to clear its throat afterward by coughing.

Swallowed Vomit

Dogs sometimes swallow vomit before it leaves their mouths. You can see a dog swallow its vomit even if you don't see the vomit. Its throat works against the upward heave of its body, and the dog usually smacks its mouth or chews.

Dry Heaving

A dry heaving dog goes through all the motions of vomiting, but nothing comes out. It has no solids or liquids to regurgitate. (A dog might dry heave after it vomits because its stomach is empty, but this is rare. An upset stomach usually yields at least bile.) A dog coughs after dry heaving because its throat is irritated. If your dog dry heaves and shows no interest in food, keep a close eye on it for 24 hours. If it doesn't regain its appetite by then, contact your vet.

Dry Heaving Plus Coughing

Dry heaving accompanied by persistent coughing is usually a sign of respiratory illness. A virus or infection is interfering with your dog's breathing. One common respiratory illness is kennel cough, which spreads so quickly and easily that a single dog can infect a whole kennel. Kennel cough is a relatively mild form of respiratory illness which often clears up on its own. A dog with kennel cough should be rested and kept away from other dogs. Stay on the safe side by conferring with your veterinarian.

Other Respiratory Illnesses

Dry heaving plus a persistent cough may point to more serious respiratory illnesses. Hunting dogs, retrievers and other dogs that frequent the woods are vulnerable to fungal infections. A dog can catch a fungal infection by sniffing old leaves or damp tree roots. Dry heaving and coughing is a sign that your dog needs a break from its normal routine in order to rest and recover. Professional medical attention is the surest route to recovery.

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