Thursday, September 12, 2013

How Lengthy Can Your Dog Go Without Peeing

Dogs can go without urinating for a few hours after meals. Properly trained dogs on a schedule will learn this quickly. Even dogs trained to use paper will train themselves to only go when they need to. Urination can also be used as a sign of anger, anxiety or illness. If it happens more frequently, a visit to a veterinarian is recommended.


Most dogs, when properly trained, can go eight to ten hours between urination. Puppies cannot hold urination for more than an hour after eating, or when excited.


Conditions and illness will cause a dog to urinate more often than normal, such as intestinal worms, bladder and kidney infections, or anxiety. Take a stool sample to your veterinarian to be sure of the problem.

Eating Schedule

Adult dogs usually need to urinate about eight hours after eating. For the dog to avoid the need to urinate before bed, do not feed them within eight hours.


How long a dog can go without urination can depend on the amount of water it drinks during the day. If your dog is drinking more than usual, expect frequent urination problems.


You can train your dog to urinate after a meal or at certain times of the day. Create a schedule where you take the dog for a walk or let the dog outside within the eight hour window and the dog will learn that this is the time to do business.

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