Thursday, September 12, 2013

Train A Yellow Lab Puppy

Yellow lab puppies are extremely intelligent and energetic

Smart, energetic and generally friendly, yellow lab puppies typically make good pets. Families like labs because of their outgoing personalities and loyalty, while individual pet owners like them because of their tendency to become extremely close to their masters. Whatever reason you chose to adopt your yellow lab puppy, help it become the respectful, well-mannered adult it has the potential to become with proper training.


1. Exercise your lab puppy by going on walks at least once a day. Labrador retriever puppies have an exuberant amount of energy that needs to be released. Otherwise, your puppy will not be able to concentrate during its training sessions, which is frustrating for both you and the puppy. Walk your lab on a leash, always keeping the puppy next to you, never letting it walk ahead.

2. Place your yellow lab puppy in a crate that is just large enough for it to stand up, lie down and turn around in when you cannot watch it. By keeping the puppy in the crate when you are away from home, sleeping or otherwise occupied, you are not only assisting in potty-training, but are keeping your pup out of trouble. Lab puppies are extremely inquisitive and will stick their teeth and noses where they don't belong. Many a couch leg or electrical cord have succumb to the torment of a lab puppy's teeth; therefore, to keep both your puppy and your belongings safe, keep your yellow lab puppy in a crate when you cannot provide supervision.

3. Create a routine with your lab puppy to assist in the potty-training process. At the same times every day, take it out to the same spot through the same door. In addition, teach your lab puppy a word that will encourage it to eliminate, such as "empty" or "potty." Say this word and only that word each and every time you take the puppy out and eventually it will associate elimination with that word. Always reward the puppy after it goes with a treat and praise.

4. Know that consistency is key when teaching your yellow lab puppy anything. For instance, when teaching the "sit" or "stay" commands, employ the same technique each time. Mixing up the words you say or the style in which you provide training will only confuse the pup and impede success.

5. Establish your dominance over the lab puppy in order to be able to teach it and provide control of it in stressful situations. Labradors are strong and boisterous and a lab that is untrained and jumps up or runs away from its owner is potentially dangerous. If your lab respects you and knows you are in charge, it will likely listen and obey you. Always walk through doors ahead of your yellow lab puppy and only allow your pup to eat after you haven given permission.

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