Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Is Really A Dog'S Hearing Much Better Than Human Hearing

A dog's hearing has some advantages over human hearing.

Human and dogs hear about the same in terms of quality and the ability to pick up sounds from the same level of distance (about a mile away). There are some distinct differences; dogs have some anatomical advantages and the ability to hear certain frequencies that humans cannot.

Frequency Ranges

Sound travels on waves that vary in frequency; the more vibrations that occur per second, the higher pitched the sound will be. According to "Dogs: Take Care of Them and Understand Them," humans can hear frequencies of about 20,000 vibrations per second, whereas dogs are able to hear frequencies ranging from 40,000 to 100,000 vibrations per second. This difference can be illustrated by dog whistles, which produce sounds that dogs can hear but that are undetectable by human.

Ear Anatomy

Dogs are able to move the position of their ears, enabling them to focus their hearing more precisely on specific sounds. Ears vary in size, shape and position, depending on the breed; generally, though, dogs with ears in an upright position or that are semifloppy have the best hearing.

Overall Hearing Ability

Because dogs can hear higher frequencies than humans, people sometimes equate this to better hearing. Dogs and humans both hear sounds from the same distance and at the same quality. Dogs with long, floppy ears are an exception, as their long ears can have a negative impact on the ability to hear sounds at a distance.

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