Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Anxiety In Pugs

Pugs are known to be affectionate and attached to their owners.

One form of anxiety in dogs is separation anxiety, which may be the most common behavioral problem in pooches, according to Vetinfo. Numerous pug owners have cited problems with their little dogs being unable to deal with their loved ones even leaving the room. Dogs are social animals by nature and leaving them alone may produce anxiety and stress. When behavior becomes destructive, this anxiety must be lessened.

Identifying Separation Anxiety

True separation anxiety in a pug will occur when the dog has severe problems with a loved one leaving his vision or the house. This is similar to abandonment complexes seen in humans and must be distinguished from boredom. The main signs of separation anxiety in dogs, according to Vetinfo, are scratching doors or windows, digging, chewing, excessive barking, howling and accidents even after house-training. Pugs experiencing separation anxiety will not simply chew a few toys or bark a few times when you leave. They will chew on almost anything (particularly items smelling like their loved ones), bark incessantly and howl loudly.

Detach Slowly

One tip experts from Vetinfo provide on desensitizing a dog to separation is to do it slowly. Pug owners can start this process by taking the dog to a room in a separate part of the house and giving him a toy. Then leave nonchalantly, shutting the door. After just a few minutes, return just as calmly as you left. Repeat this process, slowly increasing the amount of time the dog is alone. Once the pug is more comfortable with being left alone in his own room for a short period, re-create the same process, but leave the house instead. This will help desensitize the dog to loved ones' absences.

Create a Comforting Environment

Dogs, including pugs, that experience intense separation anxiety can be comforted by altering their environments. Try leaving on a light and radio, creating a sense of warmth and companionship. Human voices may calm him. Owners are advised to exercise their pugs regularly and walk them before leaving. A tired dog is more likely to sleep while alone. Make sure comforting toys and blankets are out for him to use.

Other Techniques

Vetinfo recommends trying a few other techniques if other suggestions aren't working.

If in a position to do so, get another dog; simple companionship may solve the pug's problems.

Crate training is an option that comforts some canines, while increasing others' anxiety. Experiment and see if it alleviates or increases his stress.

Pinpoint items that trigger anxiety, such as keys, suitcases, bags and jackets. Desensitize the pug to them by jingling keys in a pocket while playing or hiding treats in bags and allowing the pug to find them.

Pug Magazine also recommends frequently changing up routines around leaving and giving a pug something to do when leaving the house that will take a while, like a Kong or Everlasting Treat Ball, then taking it back upon returning.


If all else fails, medications can be prescribed by a veterinarian, but tranquilizers should be avoided. They will just make a pug sleepy, instead of helping to resolve the problem. Medications that stimulate the brain chemical serotonin are especially suited for dogs with overly anxious behavior. Other drugs include amitriptyline and buspar, which can help normalize nervous behavior.

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