Friday, August 9, 2013

Kinds Of Ears

This dog has had its ears cropped.

Dogs come in a wide range of breeds, that cover a diverse set of physical and behavioral characteristics. One of the more outwardly apparent differences between breeds is the type of ears the dogs have. Ears range from long and droopy to short and erect, with many different variations in between.


Bat ears are named after the flying animal due to their shape and proportion. Bat ears are one of the styles of pointed ears which stand erect from the dog's head and are unique in their size relative to the dog's head, as they are abnormally large in comparison to the average erect set of ears. These ears are most common in smaller breeds, including chihuahuas and corgis.


Button ears stand partially erect off the dogs head, before bending over forward and falling so that the tip of the ear hangs in front of the opening of the ear. Button ears appear most commonly in terrier breeds.


Cropping of ears is a surgical procedure designed to give dogs that would otherwise have ears that bend a pointed, erect set of ears. Unfortunately, as the look is often associated with tough dogs, many abusive owners attempt to crop their dogs at home rather than allowing a veterinary professional to handle it. It is important that croppings, common in dogs such as pit bulls and Dobermans, be performed by professionals who can ensure the dog is treated properly and is not injured by the process.


Dropped ears, also known as pendant ears, are large ears which hang down off the side of the dog's head, and often flap about vigorously when they run. Dropped ears are often quite large in relation to the size of the dog's head. The most well known breed of drop-eared dogs is the basset hound.


Folded ears are similar in appearance to dropped ears, but differ in the way they rest against the side of the dog's head. Dropped ears remain open and broad while hanging down; folded ears, as the name implies, form a crease and fold in half along the length of the ear, as seen in breeds like blood hounds.


Rounded ears are similar in appearance to bat ears, as they also stand straight up and can be large in comparison to the dog. Where rounded ears differ from bat ears is at the tip, where they are round instead of pointed, as the name implies. Dogs with rounded ears also tend to be smaller, including chow chows and French bulldogs.


Semi-prick ears, also known as semi-cropped ears, are a unique look. The ears start out extending straight up from the head like bat ears, though the tips are not erect, instead folding over and pointing out in front of the ear. Collies are a popular breed with semi-prick ears, as are pit bulls that have not been cropped by their owners.

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