Thursday, August 15, 2013

Remove Vaccinations In The Body

Cilantro can help remove heavy metals from vaccinations.

Children and adults can have side effects from vaccinations. Some of these side effects can be caused by heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum that are added to the vaccinations. There are ways to remove the heavy metals in vaccinations from the body in order to remove the symptoms caused by the metal buildup.


1. Have your hair tested to see if you have a heavy metal buildup in your system. Blood and urine tests can detect recent metal exposure, but they can't measure how much is built up in your tissues. A holistic practitioner or doctor familiar with various forms of chelation can perform the test.

2. Try a dietary chelation. Cilantro is a remedy for heavy metal buildup, and can remove metals left behind from vaccinations. Try making a pesto out of cilantro, garlic, and oil to put on bread. See the recipe in the resources below.

3. Consider using an oral chelation agent. Some name brands of these agents are ToxClear and Zeolite. Ask your healthcare provider for a recommendation, and read all directions carefully.

4. See a doctor who is experienced in I.V. chelation if the dietary and oral chelation methods do not work. The solution that is used in this procedure can remove vital minerals from the body along with heavy metals, so be sure to find a doctor who is well-versed with the precautions necessary with I.V. chelation.

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