Monday, August 12, 2013

Train For Dog Sledding In Summer time

Dog sledding, or mushing, is most commonly associated with cold-hardened dogs pulling a sledder through feet-deep snow in harsh winter conditions. However, this doesn't mean that you and your dogs should grab a beer and hit the couch during the summer. In fact, summer is an excellent time to train for mushing, so follow these steps to figure out a good summertime regimen.


1. Get yourself into shape. Dog sledding is physically strenuous for both the dogs and the musher. Take advantage of the summer months to improve your strength and cardiovascular abilities outdoors, while the weather is still good. Take the dogs along for a run and long hike to keep them in prime shape as well.

2. Use a cart or All Terrain Vehicle. Nearly all devoted mushers use a wheeled cart to train during the off-seasons months. A summer cart is simply an aluminum or steel-framed cart with four small rubber tires. The cart should be fitted to the harnesses, able to be steered and pulled over rocky mountain trails.

3. Do some bike training. An excellent summertime replacement for the sled is a simple mountain bike. The dogs won't really notice the difference and you'll have twice the fun. Make sure the bike is a sturdy mountain bike with thick tires that have a rough tread so you don't lose control on a bumpy trail.

4. Train the dogs to get them into peak condition. Consider that you have the whole summer and fall to train the dogs for the winter season, so structure the training as a long arc. At this stage, you're training the dogs to improve skill and physical ability, not to pull with bigger teams or faster speeds. Train the dogs in the early morning or around sunset so they don't overheat. And, always train the dogs on soft trails, never pavement or roads.

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