Monday, March 10, 2014

A Brief History Of Rottweiler Dogs

The Rottweiler is a large-sized dog. It is intelligent and loyal. Although the breed has received some negative attention in regard to attacks on humans, it is still one of the most popular breeds in the United States. The temperament of the Rottweiler is largely influenced by its training. If trained properly, they can be quite gentle dogs.


The Rottweiler breed has an ancient lineage that dates back to the Roman Empire. The Romans used the breed for herding sheep and cattle. The Rottweiler was one of the original breeds used as herd dogs.

Modern Origins

The modern breed of Rottweiler was developed in Germany. The Germans also used the breed as herd dogs and as beasts of burden to pull carts hauling goods and supplies.

Guard Dogs

During World Wars I and II, Rottweilers were used as guard dogs. The breed is often employed in the service of guard and police dogs.

Arrival in the U.S.

German breeders brought the Rottweiler to the United States in 1928. In 1931, the breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club.


Rottweilers are generally easy to train, as they are eager to please their human companions. They are highly adaptable dogs but need socialization and daily exercise for overall mental and physical health.


Although Rottweilers are good family dogs, they are not recommended for households with children aged five or younger. These large, powerful dogs may accidentally knock a child down and injury could occur. They can be dominant dogs that need proper training.

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